is scp 2747 scarlet king's mom. The Koitern (a form of SCP-173) has wiped out 1/3 of 682's race before. is scp 2747 scarlet king's mom

 The Koitern (a form of SCP-173) has wiped out 1/3 of 682's race beforeis scp 2747 scarlet king's mom  (Note: Due to the lack of canon in the universe of the SCP Foundation, there are several versions of the Scarlet King

SCP-3812 full power, SCP-2747 etc. It can speak in an English man's voice while causing mass carnage and destruction. Also, I heard somewhere that SCP-999 is supposed to be the last wife’s child. Both sides bloodlusted, no preparation, all equipment is allowed, neither side has knowledge on each other's abilities. Who will win in a fight between SCP-001 (SCP) & SCP-2747 (SCP) and Scarlet King (SCP) & SCP-1440 (SCP)? Menu. Object Class: Keter. It is implied that this manifestation is the Scarlet King, and that the King gets created and used in many narratives to eventually destroy them when his seals are eventually released. SCP-6747-A3. In the tale Beneath Two Trees, Nahash was originally a protector of the Tree of Knowledge and kept watch over its secret power. Both sides bloodlusted, no preparation, all equipment is allowed, neither side has knowledge on each other's abilities. More like this. It is only accessible to people who walk all alone in the desert for. Scarlet King defeats TP Beatrice. It is one of the most, if not the most friendly anomaly in the Foundation. SCP-076-2 – Able: A superhuman entity with immense combat skills. One popular interpretation suggests that SCP-682 is one of the Leviathans, the son of SCP-231-4 and the Scarlet King, and is actually the weakest of his. He is established as the brother of Mekhane and possibly SCP-3000. So what can even this two foddler do against the Scarlet King. Round 5: Scarlet Demon vs Great Death. PROJECT PARAGON / Kaktusverse version of the Scarlet King specially in SCP-6765 "The Demon Ogier and the Bleeding Throne of Malidraug", SCP-6765-E SCP-524 pursues SCP-682 for two minutes, at which point SCP-682 climbs four (4) meters up the wall of the testing chamber and is beyond SCP-524's reach. He is an ancient god-like entity hellbent on devouring the world, but was imprisoned by a group of magicians within a pocket-dimension. Is he in the top 10 of SCP's most powerful characters?Yog-Sothoth is the gate. SCP-2747. Any generated narrative containing such irregularities can then be flagged as an instance of SCP-2747, with its seed conditions subsequently tagged as SCP-2747-conducive. r/whowouldwin • Ben (Ben 10) scans Scarlet King's (SCP) DNA and gets access to it's powers. Its only apparent weakness that I can discern is it’s decaying mental state from being too powerful. 421 Lượt thích,80 Bình luận. But it's a highly atypical one. The “Seventh God of nonexistance” would be SCP-2747, which is also associated with horns, thorns, black, and many other things that the Scarlet King isn’t popularly known for. That’s how op she is. Old Ideas 24. Articles mentioned in this submission. SCP-001 (SCP) & SCP-2747 (SCP) vs Scarlet King (SCP) & SCP-1440 (SCP) login to vote. . Saikou_The_Lewd_King said: SCP-6747-C is technically a manifestation of the Scarlet King, yes. You forgot the best one: SCP-2137 There are few things better than the ancient entity Tupac Shakur preparing for his final confrontation against the Scarlet King by creating rap music to bully the foundation into getting off its for the greater good bullshit to fuck up several thousand murderers. Check out amazing scp_2747 artwork on DeviantArt. 2. 974 followers. The Scarlet King, also known as the Devourer of Worlds, is an entity that resides within the SCP Foundation universe. CryptoAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. SCP-2747 usually manifests as a sort of antagonistic figure in the stories it appears in, before eventually erasing it all, erasing all memories of it ever existing, but usually leaving unrelated material referencing it intact. 1 / 50% SCP-001 The Gate Guardian SCP. The SCP Foundation is a decentralized wiki where anyone can contradict each other with their own lore on a daily basis. Admittedly, I do not know much about Twin Peaks, but I do know that the Foundation cosmology is absolutely bonkers, and SCP-2747 is practically at the top except for one being which is SCP-3812. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Umineko is canon to SCP, meaning SCP is just a kakera in the sea of fragments, meaning TP Beatrice transcends the entire verse. Join Log In. Round 2: Normal Scarlet King vs SCP 2747. The Factory is a major antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. acta_deltus • 18 hr. One popular interpretation suggests that SCP-682 is one of the Leviathans, the son of SCP-231-4 and the Scarlet King, and is actually the weakest of his. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. No holding back, both at their maximum potential. 1. jimmeh. Shop. Scarlet King, SCP-2747, SCP-2845, SCP-3004-1, SCP-3125, and SCP-3999 team up and invade these universes. I really enjoyed it. SCP 3812 2. The Trashfire version of the Scarlet King RED TAPE / Rounderverse version of the Scarlet King in SCP-001-CODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal - MAMJUL & KORAR, the Scarlet / the Scarlet Maharaja. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket. 11. ago. Two minutes later, all on-site personnel — including myself — blacked. Laconic Containment Procedures: Foundation algorithms are to monitor online and print media (e. And using your dumb logic, Dis instantly stomps every single verse in existence, because in the Dark Tower series it's been said that every author is just a prophet of Gan, which would make the author of the SCP 2747. 3. As u/Jewfro_Wizard said, SCP-2614 is related. SCP-6747-C appears to be a variation of SCP-2747 and a manifestation of the Scarlet King. Who wins ?. His children had all insane abilities and power levels (SCP-682, 999, possibly the Koitern), the Daevites got their might from pacts and rituals to the King (although in SCP-6140 turns out he was never real and. Below his feet, tufts of unearthly white grass crunched with every step. . That's why 682 is listed in New Job as one. SCP-423; SCP-2747; Operation ÓverMeta; there are seven seas. The Scarlet King is the identity of one of the SCP-001 proposals. It is a Keter class living meme and omnipresent entity inhabiting the human collective consciousness and killing anyone who learns of it. During the 2747 attempt everything in it was destroyed but 682. This Scarlet-king originates from the reanimated Dr. Hellraiser. SCP-999 appears to be a large gelatinous mass of orange slime weighing about 120 lbs(54. 2. The Scarlet King is stated to be powerful enough to threaten all of Creation and the Tree of Knowledge itself, making him a multiversal threat if not worse. Yes, in the Djoric-verse 682 is the daughter of A'zieb and the Scarlet King, according to, as you already noted, "Dust and Blood". [Tied] Yog-Sothoth 21. Want to discover art related to scarletking? Check out amazing scarletking artwork on DeviantArt. All the “canons” are just writing prompts in reality. . Wait what incest, pls explain. SCP-5999: SCP-5999 │ This is Where I Died │ Esoteric │ Infohazard SCP YouTube. Some claimed that SCP 2747 was the daughter of The Scarlet King and others claimed that SCP 2747 was actually the mother of The Scarlet King. Scarlet King He-Who-Made-Dark and He-Who-Made-Light High Elder Gods Neverwere Pattern Screamers Voruteut Swann's Proposal SCP-2747 SCP-3125 SCP-3999 All the power of these entities are scale at their peak. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. . Evil. 999's birth was originally staved off with Procedure 110-Montauk, but after the discovery of Daevite tablets that spoke of the seventh child being one who would defeat the King, 110-Montauk was dismissed and 999 was allowed to be born. Thomas. The Brother's being able to kill him in his strongest form and Mekhane doing the same thing. SCP-3812 (SCP) vs Team Fixer. Round 1: Gilgamesh with no knowledge of the new weapons he has access to vs The Scarlet King. Foundation. SCP-001 is currently located in several alternate dimensions simultan. . r/SCP • Scp-2747!!(Srry for not posting,artblock ;( )About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. However, all of this is tied. Wszystkie dopasowania mają być oznaczane i przekazywane do Departamentu. ago. [Tied] The Void 20. 2. Well here in the SCP universe, we have a mighty selection of: Greek gods, Deities, Eldritch horrors, Self-proclaimed gods, Reality benders, Lovecraftian stuff, etc. Now cast this spell so he will disappear. Also, The Scarlet King as people know it is like. The Trinity of the Red Court. GZ2022 · 11/11/2022. They play major roles. Fun fact, other than that, Scarlet King mythology would actually have them not be humanoid at all, but be whale shaped. Rimuru can't really just erase an fundamental idea. " and "Footnotes" line there is hidden clickable button, which reveals verse about SK, some scp gods, other funny guys and line about some being sealing Scarlet King in "his tale" redirecting to scp 2747 page directlyThe Scarlet King is an extradimensional Apex-Tier pluripotent entity, no, a conceptual entity manifesting as the tension between modernity and pre-modernity, no, an entity representing simultanous existence and non-existence wielding the concept of a sword, no!. XD Reply reply more replies. They're by the same author, and originally there were several other pieces (that have since been deleted) that also involved red static. All of them at their strongest. . Weaker: SCP-2317-K, SCP-001 The Black Moon. Scarlet King, even in his true form, is trashed on by the deadlights who reaches SCP 3812's reigons of power. Given a large enough sample size, the boundary conditions of SCP-2747 can then be identified and mapped with a sufficient degree of clarity. #1. SCP-2747: SCP-2747 is a Dimension, or “Narrative” outside of SCP-001 (Kate McTriss's Propsal)’s reach. Read it yourself, i cannot get myself to spoil it, SCP-2747, SCP-6747 and SCP-5317 are also masterpieces in their own way, related to the Scarlet King (SCP-231 too if you read the hidden text (source code) and SCP-2317). She/Her. The Scarlet king had to put seals on himself so he wouldn't die to the three brothers death. Attention : Looking at this file will cause a exceution. I'm still not quite sure what just happened. By ascending the tower one is making the anafabula real. pouplar, scp 040. Others were saying that SCP 2747 created The Scarlet King and a few claimed that The Scarlet King was the avatar of SCP 2747. It’s really well made and it tells the story of the Scarlet King. It is a Keter-class creature resembling a bovine heart with barbed tentacles and a scorpion stinger. They might be popular and known ones like the Scarlet King. Which begs the question who are the other six born SCPs from SCP 231 1-6?. The Scarlet King flexes his left bicep slightly and a wave of power knocks Goku back, fucking up his body beyond repair and reducing him to a pile of entrails, shredded skin and blue glowing hair. Scarlet King vs SCP-2747 vs SCP-3999 (SCP) Battle. All files concerning the nature of SCP-001, including the decoy/decoys, are protected by a memetic kill agent designed to immediately cause. Blackbox Industrial - SCP-2728, SCP-2856, SCP-4029, URA-1902 Brotherhood of Night - SCP-1627 Brothers of Death - brothers-of-death tag Celemaris - SCP-2223, SCP-3334 Chicago Outfits - SCP-123EX Children Of God - SCP-2440 Children of the Scarlet King - scarlet-king tag Children of the Night - children-of-the-night tagAn good Example of this are so evident in the SCP verse, where various SCPs are narrtive destroying monsters such as SCP-2747 and scarlet king with no weaknesses, and lore that makes No sense to the foundation like why is the SCP verse orginally a high tech faclity made to contain werid entites now filled up with some Outerversal transinifte. Other weaker characters such SCP-2747 counter narratives or SCP-001 who made the authors crazy to stop him. Jeser saw from. Armor. SCARLET KING CN VS ALL (POWERFUL CHARACTERS) 💀 | Watch till end | #shorts #scp #scarletking #fyp Keywords (plz ignore)scarlet king,scarlet king scp,scarlet. Overview: The Children of the Scarlet King are a series of independent churches, organizations, or movements associated with the entity known as "the Scarlet King". Who will win in a fight between Scarlet King (SCP) and SCP-2747 (SCP)?Children of Scarlet King. SCP 2747 is also a fictional being you fucking genius. EDIT. and seven wonders in the world. can kill scarlet King. 2747 is beyond 3812 If you factor in the Placeholder-Ike model, since the Admonition Foundation speculated that 3812 could maybe take out 6747 before. Some cells have been known to produce anomalous public displays which often result in death, injury and psychological harm. . Top Battles with Scarlet King. That makes them by definition not omnipotent because a omnipotent being would never lose. A’habbat: The 7th daughter of the Scarlet King. “The Blacksmith” Anghammarad. Not-Smough. The concept of Fifthism is about the transcendence of reality and the entities which become involved with it. When it came to Dr. He is a powerful being in the SCP settings, being the monarch of the distant realm of Alagadda, and is considered one of the most enigmatic and powerful entities in the multiverse. Settings: the SCP foundation failed to contain the Scarlet King and he has broken into t. 2747 as an entity is usually referred to with feminine terms if described as an individual. Both have access to all their abilities, equipment, and resources. Any classes Such as Nailed Tailed Fox and The SCP Foundation can only be allowed to look at this file The Scarlet King is the identity of one of the SCP-001 proposals. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. There aren't many characters in other verses that scale to the top tiers in the SCP verse so. True Form Pennywise (IT) Vs Scarlet King (SCP) This fight has been done many times. That's kind of the complete opposite of what those people you say who likes the Scarlet. The SCP godly teams: Scarlet King SCP-2747 (Anafabula). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Most SCP fans already know that entities such as SCP-2747 and SCP-3812 can ascend these levels of reality. After after Dr. It safe that 682 is being a pataphysical entity protected by plot armor from the narrative itself, and whole 682 being a child of the Scarlet King is just from one canon (Djoricverse). however if we are taking in 3812 then the tables turn drastically , the leviathan of stories is essentially a narrative stack given sentinence. that fucking "dimension" is a narrative that scp 2747 sealed SK in. “All Knowledge” ALEXYLVA 52. Who is the strongest and the weakest of these? Secondly, The Scarlet King isn't "contained" by SCP-2747 as opposed to being a manifestation of it and this is only with SCP-001 Scarlet King. Carlos Medel (Kengan Omega) vs Scarlet King (SCP), The Almighty (SCP), SCP 3812, SCP 2747, Sefiros, Qlippoth and St. 3812,2747, 343(possibly) Reply Equal-Role3194. can beat him. Motivation: The King in Yellow has arrived but before he can commense his business with his brother that soon awakens, the Scarlet King must be dealt with. Round 4: True Form Scarlet King vs SCP 3999. Further out on the horizon, perfectly-cut black peaks stretched into the sky, always appearing the exact same size from wherever he looked. This is my favorite explanation for Demonbane beating something. Scarlet King (you already know this one) SCP-3812 (also probably already know this one) SWANN Entities (actual real-life authors/their avatars) SCP-3125 (almost on the level of SK) Absolute Boundless Supernormalcy State (Chinese Branch so iffy at best) SCP-CN-2758 (also Chinese Branch) SCP-2747 (basically 3812 but evil) Below his feet, tufts of unearthly white grass crunched with every step. The Doctor (Doctor Who) vs Scarlet King (SCP) & Scarlet Demon (SCP) Team Multi-Eternity (7th Cosmos) vs Scarlet Demon (SCP) Alien X (Ben 10) vs Scarlet Demon (SCP) Trigon vs Scarlet Demon (SCP) Scarlet Demon (SCP) vs Team The. Scarlet. SCP-343 – “God”: A seemingly omnipotent being with reality-altering abilities. Hell, even some in the latter category can't grasp the full scope of Gan either. 2 J. Specjalne Czynności Przechowawcze: Algorytmy strażnicze Fundacji mają za zadanie monitorować media internetowe i drukowane pod kątem wzmianek o frazach kluczowych, aktywujących SCP-2747. . It is not known. Round 1: Normal Scarlet King vs SCP 3999. Rather strong,as every scarlet king in every narrative layer throughout the stacks is a mere avatar of the scarlet demon. The Scarlet King. The fifth bride’s children are “wise in the ways of magic, and created great destruction. The struggle between the modern and ancient world. In the tale, she has been called the wisest and most beautiful of all the gods, it has also been stated that her goodness would be mourned, suggesting she was a type of heroic figure. The scarlet king is a great example of how there isn’t one because that “recurring character” has changed so many god dam times through the series that saying that he has a canon is a joke of a take. Redd of the Little Misters in his tale SCP-REDD And the tale Fear Alone by Djkaktus reimagines Procedure 110-Montauk as “the act of convincing the. This are just some SCP Memes, Pictures and Ships. Both would lose or have lost to 2747, 3812, or SWANN's. Which SCP is the scarlet king? This is an SCP animation that I found on YouTube. SCP-5999: SCP-5999 │ This is Where I Died │ Esoteric │ Infohazard SCP YouTube. I do think there's an argument to be made for a connection between the Scarlet King and the Anafabula though. NOTE: Due to the Villains Wiki's rules, this wiki will only accept SCP objects with confirmed sentience, whether it be creatures like SCP-049, SCP-096, SCP-173 and SCP. It is cruel and hateful and that is good, that is right. Using the looser laws of reality in his more fictional world than that of the. Her narrative controlling powers are far. SCP-3125, also known as The Escapee, is one of the overarching antagonists of the SCP Foundation series. Some interpretations of him can be found in SCP-4840 and [ [Beneath Two Trees]]SCP-999 . Overall, I would say that there are easily above 50 spread over all the files. This thread is archived. As for outside of SCP, anyone with strong enough regen-negation. Read the SCP 001 proposal for the scarlet king. The children of the fourth bride are indomitably strong, and her child is known to be 682. fandom. By ascending the tower one is making the anafabula real. That's just a rough estimate. Appendix B is the part of the file which is meant to detail the results of Lucid Chalice, but the appendix itself, counting as both a story. Horace is most often. The SCP cosmology is insanely broken and the Scarlet King is one of the top tiers in the verse. SK gets demolished. Round 6: Scarlet Demon vs All Death. Wondertainment. scp 001 vs scp 2747winner scp 2747ayo dont click this : #monsterverse #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #scp #scpfoundation #sca. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. their lanterns bright,. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Set: Also known as Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve. To The Foundation and his Cultists he's an Unknowable Bogeyman that exists because there is a division between the less civilised past and modern comfort. The location is a random indestructible universe. Sd aint stronger than 3812. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics SCP Foundation. It is an enigmatic, powerful, and ancient god-like entity existing outside of reality and wishes to cause as much destruction as possible. more powerful every time a race attempts to exert. Anyway, no matter the version, he loses 100% against Hanged King, Scarlet King, 3812, Pattern Screamers, or other similar beings, they are on completly different power scales. (Note: Due to the lack of canon in the universe of the SCP Foundation, there are several versions of the Scarlet King. No one knows the full extent of the Scarlet King's. Vs Debates' mom. Brought to you by a few fans of SCP that als. Dude this is a complete and utter stomp for the SCP side. IMHO a better match-up would be SCP-2747, who works on a similar level of narrative control and destruction as the Crimson King. SCP-4054 is The Seventh Door, an unlicensed platform adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. Thanos (MCU) vs Team Beyonder. The idea was, I believe, that "red glow and fading out" is in fact a manifestation of the ideological boundaries of the universe, observable through anomalies. 000. Cosmic Armor Superman. The Constant of Anafabula, behind SCP-2747 and thus the Scarlet King. Robert Bumaro (CN) 55. SCP-6333: The collective designation for a set of plant-based anomalies, SCP-6333-1 and SCP-6333-2. I could literally write a one-sided argument for why. Rules: 1. by SlicedUrbanization SCP-3812, SCP-2747 and The Scarlet King (SCP) vs Featherine, Maria, Beatrice and End-of-Series Battler (Umineko) vs Gan (Dark Tower) vs Yog. Nov 17, 2018 #15 Geomax said:-snip-Scarlet king is an elder god So scarlet king is high boundless. Wtf is with wrong hentai game. hoetarosmithu • 3 yr. ago. desires to destroy all civilization and order, growing. Through interviews by Dr. Round 7: The Almighty vs Brothers Death. He was one bullet away from defeating SCP 2747, however, he lived through SCP 2747 For info: SCP 2747 can erase literal narratives, which means Murphy flattening almost managed to get to her. And he in turn gets stomped by SCP 2747, but. SCP-173 – The Sculpture: A statue that moves when unobserved and is highly dangerous. . My Patreon - - - "minmin" - SCP-001 is a formerly Keter Class now Safe Class anomaly also known as The Scarlet King. Any and all tales on the SCP site can be used as feats. Sister Sites SCP International; Wanderer's Library; Community. She and the other girls were rescued by a police raid, though six of them were eventually acquired by the Foundation after Event-231-Alpha. Im arguing with someone who said that the scarlet king is the only universe destroying scp and i need some others to come back at them Archived post. SCP-5641. Round 3: SCP 2747 vs SCP 3999. SCP-2317-K, also known as the Devourer of Worlds and simply SCP-2317, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is associated with the memetic code phrase "Does the black moon howl?" which appears in numerous articles on the SCP site, including a. I'm not sure whether 2747 is intelligent, but I'll be referring to her as if she is in the following rounds: R1: 2747 tries to narratively erase 682. SCP-3999. As long as so many people believe we are doing terrible things, the monster will continue to believe we are doing terrible things. Nov 5, 2020. (The Scarlet King, The almighty, etc), unless there is another 1-A scp that I am not aware of. Round 2: Scarlet King vs Great Death. 우연인지 의도된 것인지, 예시로 든 작품을 언급하는 리뷰의 갯수는 대부분 각각 7의 배수다. While initially assumed. Next, SCPs are full of plotholes, retcons, and continuity errors, with Scarlet King being both the strongest being in SCP-verse, and simultaneously weaker than Yaldabaoth and SCP-2747. 1. You have to be seriously delusional to think, that SCP 2747 is actually a REAL being. There is power in symbols, doctor. Not to mention that scp-682 can survive scp-2747, I don't think I know if that was true or it was just something made up. Lucifer Morningstar vs Scarlet King (SCP)About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. comBusiness, Economics, and Finance. pigeon_Control_7164. 4. He knows where They have trod earth’s fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread. Gan (Dark Tower) vs Scarlet King (SCP), The Almighty (SCP), SCP 3812, SCP 2747, Sefiros, Qlippoth and St. Hi. Like take this scene from my interconnected fanfiction stories for example. Dinoanime7 He/Him 285 116. It is a Safe-class SCP which is known for its adorable appearance and friendly attitude. Starting Distance is the farthest possible distance they can still see each other. 2. SCP-2747 (also labeled as "As below, so above") is one of the 3 overarching antagonists (alongside Scarlet King and Hanged King) of the SCP Foundation series. It was used as part of SCP-6747, a. Well 2747 made 3125 freak out and literally sealed Scarlet King, so even if you take. SCP-5317 Misdirection: Another anafabula made real, a narrative made physical, manifesting itself as a tower of containment, once all the levels (seals) have been breached, 2747 / the Scarlet King would have been released into reality. The First Bard 54. Rimuru dies really badly. Comments. Modernity is a sin and he is the correction, so. 2 years ago. New posts New threadmarks Search forums. SCP-3150: A phenomenon that causes the manifestation of SCP-3150-1, a 17th century Iranian caravanserai, throughout time. SCARLET KING CN VS ALL (POWERFUL CHARACTERS) 💀 | Watch till end | #shorts #scp #scarletking #fyp Keywords (plz ignore)scarlet king,scarlet king scp,scarlet. Round 4: SCP-001 S Andrew Swann's Proposal are the actual authors of the wiki itself, meaning they can simply erase the Scarlet King from the wiki. Mekhane and The Brother's Death are both one of the victors against the Scarlet King. 4. It was also highly expected that the final child of the final bride would. Scarlet King is a special case. In the tale, she has been called the wisest and most beautiful of all the gods, it has also been stated that her goodness would be mourned, suggesting she was a type of heroic figure. r/SCP • Scp-2747!!(Srry for not posting,artblock ;( )#shorts #powerscaling #scp #scpfoundation #whoisstrongestSCP Explains brings you Most Evil SCP Ever!The following SCPs are featured in this video:SCP-001 - The Scarlet King - The. SCP-231 . . SCP-058 also referred to as the Heart of Darkness, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. control over the world or discover more about him. greg aside, scarlet king vs scp-096 isnt even a contest ones a multidimensional sex demon that has the power to destroy all of reality itself, the other is just some skinny fuck with long arms whos really good at basketball. That's just a rough estimate. I'm not well-versed in SCP lore, but from what I understand about the "narrative stack" there are works of fiction embedded in other fictional settings, and this process repeats itself infinitely to form many different layers of reality. Sefiros 25. However, some potential answers could be “scp 2747 could be used to transport hazardous materials”, “scp 2747 is a dangerous object” or “scp 2747 is to be avoided”. #whoisstrongest #faxorcap #debate #scp3812 #scarletking #scp #whoisstrongest #faxorcap #debate #scp3812 #scarletking #scp #whoisstrongest #faxorcap #debate #. SCP-058 plays an overarching role in "The Drooling Path" series. Smashallow • 6 hr. #18 Spookeez. This Scarlet-king originates from the reanimated Dr. SCP 001 (Swann's Proposal) 4. There are three known Constants right now. . #scp #scpfoundation #scp2747 #murphy #murphylawden #murphylaw #battle #debate #versus #vsbattle #resquest #foryou #foryoupage #fyp #fy #fypage #fypシ゚viral #f. Laconic Description: SCP-2747 is a phenomenon where people start talking about nonexistent works of fiction. Said factors include stories within stories, the number seven, and having a canonically unfinished story. SCP-2747 will eventually delete everything despite the Foundation's efforts to prevent it. Death existence disallowed Scarlet King to live so him aka person who comes back from scp-2935 death world and returns. Jeser, also known as the Prince of Many Faces, is a minor antagonist in the SCP Foundation universe. > Maybe Scarlet King can get rid of him by showing him IT 2. Note: All these characters are at their full powers (in case of the Pattern Screamers, the strongest one with strongest feats is brought out), but we don't use international branches where SK rule over narrative stack bs. Special thanks to the people who pointed that out. Scenario 2: SCP Djoricverse Scarlet King. SCP-2747 is an anti-narrative, a cluster of narrative elements that when included in a given story, will eventually lead to mutual destruction. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki. . Round 3: Scarlet King wins 10/10 times. Though, you might be a bit more confused after, come back and ask any questions you may have pertaining the file and its characters Reply The-Paranoid-Android. Scarlet King from the tale "Some Are Born To Endless Night". Oct 28, 2021 #8 Hello KhorneHimself.